Sunday 17 May 2015

Wed 20th May, Grantown, 6.30pm

Meet in car park opposite petrol station.  Lochindorb circuit if it's a good night?


  1. Darn, I was hoping my request for Aviemore or south would entice. I have a friend driving up from Galloway and was going to join us, but wont arrive in time to get to GoS, so doubt I will be there, boo hoo. Hebe

  2. Sorry Hebe, I never heard your request. Anyway, Grantown is just another 15 minutes up the road, so you'll just need to get the finger out

  3. Diana was playing messenger. I could, but cannae ask my friend that will have just driven 4 hours already (and 2 hours the next day also) - think we will do the mast then, so don't make that the week after ;-)
